Book trees" are available to the university community on the University of Liège's four campuses.


The concept: take your reading on the road

The idea is simple:

  • Put down a book you've enjoyed.
  • Borrow a book that catches your eye.
  • Read and enjoy your new literary discovery.
  • Return the book after reading.
  • Ideally, write a short commentary to guide future readers.

Where to find the book trees?

Cultural and linguistic diversity

ULiège bookboxes are open to all styles, tastes, languages and origins. Whether your book is in French, English or any other language, it's welcome. It's an opportunity to share the richness of our different cultures and experiences through literature.

A space for sharing

These book boxes are neither a book garbage can nor a free flea market. It's a place for sharing, where every book you drop off has the chance to find new readers. Let's give our favorite books a second wind and share the pleasure of discovery!

If you notice a malfunction, please leave us a message at

Photo: ©Vialard Clément

updated on 1/12/24

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